There's something inherently annoying about people who do weird risky things to themselves just so they can report on the internet that they've done weird risky things to themselves.
There's something inherently annoying about people who do weird risky things to themselves just so they can report on the internet that they've done weird risky things to themselves.
There's nothing wrong with dissent, the only time it becomes a problem is when we actively discriminate against people who haven't harmed others and are unlikely to do so.
meh, shes not condoning and actively letting people know this is not the best idea, so respect for her for that.
So people can't disagree with things now? Really? She's allowed to do whatever she wants to herself, but that doesn't mean people have to agree with it.
Marc Webb was supposed to make a movie for Fox. Since his work on Spider-Man movies prevents that or puts it on hold, Sony advertises X-Men for free as compensation.
Wrong, the director of Spiderman 2 originally was contracted to make an X-men movie for fox, to get out of that for Spidey the director had to advertise or make a cameo of the fox movie somewhere... At least that's what I've read about this everywhere else but here.
The explanation for this: Marc Webb was supposed to do a movie for Fox. Sony settled on this free advertisement of X-Men in exchange for Webb being allowed to do the Spidey movie first.
Congratulations! You're racist!
Dat Ash.
Yes, all of them come from Reddit. You aren't overstating anything at all.
That video was crap, it was basically a guy rambling about how he liked Morrowind better than Oblivion and Skyrim over some random-ass gameplay, he didn't even bother to explain shit.
I spent more time modding that game then playing it.
Wait, your t-shirts aren't made out of soft, supple, lotion-covered human skin?
Wouldn't that be half-shell?
That Megan Fox acting. Yeesh.
No, don't you understand!? It's a PC game, because it's on the PC it needs to have intuitive mouse and keyboard controls by default!
I never realized they were out to win Pulitzers...
Duck Souls.