
50+ hard Templar runs and still no Fatebringer for me... I’m starting to believe the VoG hates me ‘cause almost every exotic I’ve won came from either Crota or the nightfall.

And sometimes objectives are more important than killing. Take the Iron Banner this week: you only win full reputation if you win the match, and you only score big if you control the zones. That’s why 6 player fire-teams tend to win over randoms, they coordinate capture and keep 2 zones with an ocasional push over the

Agreed. While I personally regret The Last Word nerf I understand why they did it.

Last game I pirated was Shadow of Mordor. I honestly didn’t know if the game will run on my rig and I didn’t have my PS4 yet.

I dont measure a Bethsoft Fallout for its graphics, for me is a trade-off: I wont get the best graphics because I’ll get a ton of freedom and scope packed in a lovely setting.

It also changes color in story mode, so if you’re playing with Franklin is green, Michael is Blue and Trevor is yellow/orange.

But the game is not only addictive. Bungie managed to make one of the most solid competitive multiplayer FPS games ever.

IDK Mike, while I do have fond memories of this game and I think that it was somewhat innovative at the time I also believe it had a lot of problems.

Yes, but CDPR works in a very different way:

Your "male pros" argument seems to be the only logical explanation, for the right price many guys will wear lipstick and fake boobs, but the problem is that no respectable pro gamer will do that because it'll probably hurt his reputation or even get him banned on regular tournaments.

In my case: "este video es privado"...

My dad passed away 6 months ago so i can't deny this article made me shed a couple tears.

Your logic is undeniable

Chances are that we'll get Darksiders 3 before that:

While I do believe that most kotakuites are tech-savvy, Yannick's clarification is not entirely pointless.

Wait, didn't I say this was the lesser of two football games? Kind of. While FIFA is overall a more complete and polished product, I've found myself playing Konami's title a lot more. It's just such a better game on the pitch that, having settled into a Master League campaign with Valencia (Spain's La Liga is

Yes, and it's easier to blame videogames than take responsibility. News outlets love to blame GTA and the likes for stuff like that because if they say anything about parenting their raiting will go down.

You forgot about irresponsible parents.

Wait is there a "blacklist" for user created characters?. Does ANY game provide such a list?.

This is basically a bigger Farcry 3. If you enjoyed 3 you'll enjoy 4. There are some improvements but the only major difference in gameplay is co-op and the fact that nature is your main enemy, honestly... nature will actively try to kill you!.