
Hey don't judge him, maybe he moves a lot and need those boxes... maybe he cant find a steady home 'cause nobody stands his cardboard hoarding... so maybe he needs those boxes 'cause he m... oh fuck!

I get you, I have a friend who never got into fallout because he "felt very lonely while playing it", and found that very depressing. Funny 'cause I enjoyed that loneliness a lot (RDR had that same effect on me). So there are a lot of reasons why anybody might not get into a game, and while you can endure a movie that

My bet is we get Fallout 4 (hopefully with some form of coop MP like Borderlands), and then in a couple of years after they've established a profitable model from TES Online we get the Fallout MMO.

OK, I undestand what you did and I it fine, but c'mon!, I dont get inside a Tommy Hilfinger store and say: "hey you know what? I don't like your clothes, I tried them once but didn't like them". Its a little silly isn't it?.

While ergonomy is a completely valiud argument you forget that ergonomy doesnt mean conmfort to everyone, some people sit or lay down in the most akward positions because they find it comfortable. So to translate that to controllers the ergonomy logic doesnt apply because people have their own opinion on that. Maybe

Maybe 'cause The Last of Us feels closer to our reality, after all it has a "modern" setting and characters are less ridiculous. Look, post apocaliptic games come in every shape and size and I get you 'cause I only feel it for some TES games (never liked Oblivion, yet loved Morrowind and Skyrim). Everyone has the

It'll be more awesome if you did that with both these controllers:

Mmm, IDK two MMOs in two years?. That sounds extremely risky. Better to launch Fallout 4 which will be a an almost asured success that will probably cut their losses if ESO fails than bet on Fallout Online.

I'm not gonna call you names or insult you, but as someone who has played over 1000 hours of Fallout and Fallout NV on multiple platforms I have to say that there is a lot more than simply cold war/Baby Boomer irony and art design in that game.

Is there a real tangible difference on performance between Steam OS and Win 7?. I know PC gamers bleed for a +0.5%, but honestly I don't care about that anymore, as long as I play above the 30FPS I'm a happy panda.

Well, he'll have to live in Mars 'cause not a single country on Earth uses the gold standard anymore.

Nope they're not. As of 2013 there is nota asingle country in the world that uses the gold standard. Gold reserves still exist as a representation of a country's wealth, but they're not backing our money.

Well if the client can afford that home theater im sure he can afford a maid... now I feel sorry for that maid.

There is no such thing as a realistic war game, you can ask any veteran that.

Look, I do believe that processing power is a lame way to compare systems, if that was the case PC is always the next gen and consoles are simply 2-5 gens behind.

You knew you were gonna get athat much hate right?.

Hmm, I'll take a look at it. 'Tho I put my M+KB game collection on hold 'till I get my hands on the Steam Controller, I have my PC on the livingroom and lately I only play with the 360 controller... I know is blasphemy but hey! is so confortable.

While I do think this is dumb, consider this:

Probably non related but does anyone remember the Commandos series?, Jagged Alliance reminded me of those games wich I hold dear as true companions in my college years.

Yeah, but as you said Ghost was more looks than personality. Price had that old school "I've done this shit way too many times" vibe.