Mmmm. Nope, your statement is not accurate sir.
Mmmm. Nope, your statement is not accurate sir.
You're right there's often more than one game, and many times that "extra" game is great (correct me if I'm wrong but usually is an indie or arcade game).
Well, the extra $100 will hurt MS at launch, but Sony had the same (if not worse) problem this gen, so I think MS will eventually recover, but so far I think the 2013 holyday season has a winner on the console side.
Hey, get a PS4... and then a PC, You'll still rock that controller!, and after today the controller its the only XBO thing im looking forward this year.
Exactly!. And with that said, MS is screwed because they thought they could do that.
The problem is that Kinect seems to be mandatory... so there is that, andreally sucks for MS right now.
I renewed my PS+ membership last week, Even without being 100% sure that I was gonna buy a PS4 instead of a XBone. Why?, well the PS3 still has a few more years ahead and Sony supported the PS2 a long time, so the membership as it is now its still better than XBL Gold for last/this gen.
Well, I'll have to say that you'll have to wait a little bit for that, but eventually... eventually it'll happen.
Exactly!, I'm thinking "Midnight Express" type of prison.
You're right on the tech spec part, but isn't that what tech demos are for?. I mean, I've enjoyed particle systems and soft surface simulation since the inclusion of PhysX on Mirrors Edge for PC, and I have to tell you that Borderlands 2 on PC is a whole different experience solely because of that tech. So yeah…
"it would've been kind of boring for them to spend an hour talking about the gaming capabilities."
Well If you dont find the statements on DRM, used games, indie support, etc. a bit confusing or contradicting, then I dont know what to tell you.
Yes you're indeed new here. Kotaku bashes all console manufacturers when they screw up. Back when the PS3 had its infamous e3 conference it was a shitstorm. And the WiiU had its share of hate.
I see a couple guys already answered, but after trying the xpadder and a couple other methods I sincerely recommend that you stick to KB+M. Other options simply don't work properly.
Exactly, and with PS+ I have a better use for those $60. After a year with it I have to say that it gives me a lot more for my money than XBL gold ever did.
yes, price is indeed important, BUT if they keep free multiplayer and allow used games then price can be a little higher than MS since in the long term having a PS4 might be cheaper.
Exactly, the whole point is as stupid as the guy who knew his wife was cheating on him on the couch and decided the best solution was to burn the couch. This whole violence thing is done by individuals, we should first check the mental and emotional state of those individuals and after that start making judgements.
I think it might depend on your personal taste, but the ambience and the visuals sure help. For me it was about exploration and isolation, wich is why Im a big fan of the Fallout series this gen.
While I do understand the "why" of DRM and used games being blocked, I just cant agree with the "how".
It seems you havent played anything on a PC on your entire life. While I dont aprove the "Master Race" type of comment, I do agree that because of Sales PC is by far the cheapest platform (software-wise) out there.