
So we're back on hating EA... well, "I used to hate EA before it was cool". :-{D

But that bandwagon works as a roller coaster: you hop in, scream, have fun hating and get out to ride a different one... The EA ride comes back every 5 years, so now we're back on EA hate. They are hip again because of the ME ending and Origin... Oh! Origin. XD

Ahh OK... NICE!, Congrats.

Simple: one device with multiple functions. And battery life tends to be better on gaming devices and mp3 players.

While thats true for most people, there is a million valid reasons to want that much music with you.

LOL What?!

Ahh yes I got my PC copy that way. I believe it was because of the Battlefield 10th Anniversary, around september 2012. It was back at 9.99 last week.

It depends on the country, but yes the PS3 isn't hacked as much as the 360. I bought all my consoles on the grey market yet my Ps3 and second 360 aren't modded, I buy consoles and games on the grey market because in the past few years official retailers were ripping people off (a PS3 was still above the $500 USD mark

Baird was actually my favorite character. As @TemetNosce said, he had some personality, and while GoW characters aren't the best written characters in the videogame world, Baird was at least a little interesting, not a full time meathead or a flamboyant stereotype.

They'll probably call it "bridge", and it'll be part of the "CQC map pack" along with "booth", "outhouse" and "shed"... only for $14.99 (included in the premium pack).

You underestimate the power of a tomahawk in the left toe! XD

"If they hope to release it this year it should technically be in production already "

Exactly, also way too many up front fights, in the cod I play almost everyone dies shot in the back.

Now playing

I saw that on The Gadget Show. A bit overdone but cool nonetheless.

YES!. funny thing was that my response was very similar without reading your comment... How could've missed the Oculus rift?!

2 PSEYES!... C'mon a man can dream, and after sports champions the idea of dual wielding and bow and arrow can happen with the move.

PS Move Compatibility and it'll be simply perfect!... On PC of course ;)

Yes and stereotyping consoles is just a matter of perception, not fact. The truth is there is no actual research that could tell us a platform age range. We could only speculate based on a couple factors: Price and content.

I always thought that PS3 was more suited for The Witcher series than 360. Of course it was easier to port to 360, but PS3 has this adult RPG oriented audience... who got totally fucked with western RPGs this gen (Buggiest Bethesda releases, Ignored by Bioware for a couple years, just to name a few).