Well this is me is 50/50 luck+aim... the bouncing knife is always a good laugh.
Well this is me is 50/50 luck+aim... the bouncing knife is always a good laugh.
Well at this point anything that's at least two years old and is not in the realms of Call of Duty can be easily found in the bargain bin. The question is not what I could recommend you, but what are you interested (titles/genre) in and havent bought already.
I actually think that TFU series is a good concept, TFU2 wasn't that good because it was clearly a cash in opportunity (making it rushed and forced) and because it didn't felt right within the specific timeline it was crammed into. TFU concept would've been cooler if placed within the realms of the expanded universe…
TFU2 wasnt THAT bad, the problem was that the plot felt a bit forced (considering how TFU1 ended and the game was a bit unpolished. I think they were victims of their own succes and never planned to do a sequel, but after they saw that people liked TFU, they went money-hungry... and we all know what that kind of…
Well, EA had a great year when they released Dead Space and Mirrors Edge. yet they were victims of their own success, after all Dead space went down to become less and less cool with each interaction and Mirrors Edge will share a nice spot near "great ideas that werent successful enough", like Psychonauts and Beyond…
Its a matter of audience and marketing. If they want this to be on national television they have to add drama (yeah its lame but its true). The point is they focus too much on the competition itself instead of the players, and for most people that's not appealing, the mainstream wants reality shows (wich is depressing…
Exactly is a matter of audience. 'tho Id rather watch e-sports instead of Jersey Shore the truth is there is a bigger audience for "reality shows"... wich is kind of depressing.
Yeah, not to mention that granularity on the picture helps to "hide" low res textures :)
The existence of a black market doesn't change the fact that other DEVELOPED countries with much greater gun control aren't more violent.
Easy: Global DDT aerial application and Spartan law. ;)
You do know that a lot of serial killers have outstanding IQs right?. Smart=/=sane.
Not necessarily, after all is almost certain that Desmond won't be around this time. So the story could be after Desmond, yet before Connor.
I still Have my PC copy. If I remember correctly you could put the CD-Rom on a CD player and the soundtrack will play... Gotta try that when I get back from work!.
Agreed, yet somehow I think that videogames are one of the few media expressions that try to explore original ideas. Its weird and somehow I can't give you any specific example ATM (damn my memory), but a lot of stuff that people praise in hollywood movies or expensive ads lately has already been done in videogames in…
Well the nuclear warhead in my living room isn't doing any harm either. The point is he acquired hardware he wasn't suppose to have by tricking the companies. Since no tangible harm was done beyond some marketing damage control he shouldn't be punished with jail time, but what he did was wrong.
"I think people are willing to pay if they see the value there,".
Im not gonna insult you Patricia 'cause I believe the fact that the presentation was a "sausage fest" is worth considering. HOWEVER, I have to ask:
isnt 500W a little low considering the Titan needs?. Please correct me if Im wrong.