Cover it with a towel or something... I do that to my dog while im having sex (hes one crazy voyeur mofo) XD.
Cover it with a towel or something... I do that to my dog while im having sex (hes one crazy voyeur mofo) XD.
IMO marriage its about "sacrifice", I know it might sound as a strong word, but once you're married you have to change and evolve in order to grow up as a team and not as an individual, if I want to commit to somebody I think sexual exclusivity is a must. Why? because even if I think there is no correlation between…
Exactly and I respect that. Because after all its about getting what we need and like. You are right on the "party games", they're definitely better on consoles, yet, somebody could say that you cannot have a truly satisfying RTS or MMO experience on consoles and that they're better on PC... and they'll be right.
Actually that's not true. There were a lot of high end PCs back in 2006 who could easily beat the 360 (a lot of people played at 1600x1200). Consoles are not high end PCs of their time, they're mid-end PCs and in this generation they actually held back development since a lot of games were low-res, shitty ports.
Yeah, I guess every MGS has that option (MGS4 has it). I don't have anything against violent games, I actually enjoy many of them, but I praise those who think outside the box and give you alternatives. Kudos to ND if The Last of Us takes that approach.
Well Hitler was a demented bastard, but he also raised a fucked up Germany from a big economic crisis, Stalin was a mass murderer yet he was responsible for the rise of the soviet union, Mao was... see where im going?.
I'll take your word on that. I also add Alien 4 an Terminator 3 to the list of non-canonic stories.
Yes but 30 seconds after that you were shooting again. I liked that scene, it was a realself aware moment for the game, but the truth is that in Uncharted the only way to move forward is by shooting your enemies. Take Dishonored, or specific missions in ME or Fallout in wich the goal can be achieved without firing a…
I actually enjoyed Heavy Rain, it had bad moments and it was definitely not your "average" interactive experience, but it was nice. Indigo Prophecy (I actually played it as Fahrenheit) was awesome until the whole Mayan thing.
But how will this work?. If the license is linked to the hardware, then it could be problematic since you'll have to transfer the license to a new machine if your old one RRODs or something. If it is linked to an XBL account it could bring truble too because multiple users will have to log in the authorized account in…
Exactly what I was thinking, but hey! this is the internet, so being constructive and respectful its out of the question.
But the touchpad should be under the controller no?, I mean your thumbs are busy enough as they are, while your middle finger could do more than just help holding the controller or insult imaginary adversaries on multiplayer.
"A,B,X,Y"... are you serious?.
Pay no attention to that silly man. I love football and Im not even american, in fact is my second favorite sport, since I'm hispanic and I have an obligation to OUR football.
Courtesy of @surferx0 on a separate comment.
Nah they'll have to play the game and know what its really about, and we know that when it comes to videogames they judge without any knowledge of its real content.
There is nothing wrong with the government controlling the content available to the public?. IDK, maybe, but thats just one side of the discussion, what really matters to me is that the government should not be parenting your children, you should.