
meh, people shouldn’t be so sensitive, especially if there was no intent to be derogatory...... Intent is what really is truly the deciding factor whether or not something should be racist.

Here we go again......... This is why I believe that humanity as a whole, should not allow the actions of others to dictate whether or not we are offended to the point of uncontrollable anger.

you need a minimum of 2 people in a normal car to qualify for HOV lane driving, am I right?

you get responded to, or you get a star, or you reach some sort of unspecified seniority.

the dealership wouldn’t have a liability if they got that signed paper where the buyer claims all responsibility and swears under oath not to export the vehicle.

yea but if they get a signed paper from the buyer saying the buyer won’t export them, then the liability is no longer on the dealership. but instead 100% on the buyer.

people Pay to see ads on their standard cable tv subscriptions anyways..... Same Thing... ?

i’m looking for one with cheap brush head replacements.

these do not fit in between my teeth.

which good electric toothbrush do you recommend, I am in the market for one.

“What is low? What is high? What is being warped?” ... there is no ‘low’ or ‘high’, however we use those words because of lack of a better word, I personally prefer ‘gravity-well’, however even that implies a sinking into, or a lower spot. However it’s not good to think of it as a sinking or lower spot, because there

Anything can be a “driving force” as you mention it. An object that moves too close to a black hole (but doesn’t cross the event horizon) might get flung out with a high velocity, NASA uses a similar technique called gravity-assist and they use it with planets instead of black holes, to make sure probes in our solar

the oxygen gets discarded as waste back into the atmosphere

you’re right, things do not fall. they simply follow the path of least resistance in the curvature of space that all of us live in. Coincidentally on earth, that direction just so happens to be towards the center of this planet.

i’m not so sure retrieving works from the depths of time will give us any more clarity in scientific matters, because historically, scientific knowledge has been severely lacking in history, but present-day, and future will bring more scientific knowledge. You insinuate that matter absorbs gravity, and I disagree with

some people have their wife die prematurely, and get remarried, and even though they’ve done it already doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it again.......... also, scientific advances will never cease, there will always be something new and fascinating happening as long as you wait long enough for it to be discovered. it

what did your 10km egg become? we are all curious.

“The fact that you believe matter has some magical attractive property illustrates that you have not been given an understanding that there is an external force equal to the energy being thus contained” <— this.... I don’t believe matter is magical... I can agree with the notion that it is simply energy contained in

autopilot is basically advanced cruise control, drivers are still supposed to be paying attention...... if he would have been paying attention, he would not have died (just like any other driver driving a non-tesla)

the blackberry Priv. it the software would have worked flawlessly on the OS. would have been a knockout, but the lag and jank, just killed it.