
I took a carnival cruise from florida to mexico, hoping to get a glimpse of the stars, but there is sooooo much light on that cruise ship that i could see no stars at all !!!

what is ARC? and how are you using it to create android apps?

soy milk has 8g of whole complete protein per serving, it’s a good alternative, especially if you buy the organic non-gmo soymilk

Yea but sometimes doctors misdiagnose someone as brain dead.

if the chance of death was 99.9% then the doctors should have mentioned that the chance of death was 99.9%, since this is the truthful thing to say. saying 100% is just not truthful. The doctor should have just mentioned it very matter of factly, your son has a 99.9% chance of dying.

there was not one single umbrella picture in that article link you posted. I am disappointed.

those things might look like little legs but they were actually used to pull open a skin flap which allowed the snakes to fly.

A ripple is a wave. near the source of the collision of the black holes, this gravity wave must have been intense in order to warp space, and cause a gravity wave that propagates throughout the universe. by the time that gravity wave reached the earth, it was a small ripple. but just because it was a small wave

my personal opinion, is that Our Understanding of physics totally and utterly breaks down in the instance the universe was brought into existence, it’s probably a level of physics so complex we may never discover it’s true inner workings for the instant the universe was brought into existence. As a Side Note, and as a

the universal speed limit is actually the speed of causality. how fast can one thing act upon another? that’s the speed limit. and that speed limit is the speed of causality, and it just so happens that things that have mass drag through the fabric of space, not allowing them to fully accelerate towards the speed of

I always worry that if you sublimate dry ice indoors too much, and too much of it, there will be way too much CO2 indoors for people to be breathing, why isn’t there a frozen oxygen equivalent of dry ice where the frozen oxygen is as easily accessible to be purchased as it is for the CO2 Dry Ice.

i think the banner looks great since it greatly increases the visibility to a suggested post, i clicked on it because the suggested post was interesting.

Facebook is just some place everyone shares their photos, comments similar to how you share your comments on your gawker account. and Gmail is just some free email service people use to send and receive email, just like you probably have some other type of email hosted on some other company’s servers. facebook,

I saw an image somewhere of a small little tiny fragment cracking one of the exterior glass panels on one of the ISS windows. if it would have hit this inflatable space bubble, it would have popped it..... seems like we are downgrading the safety of our structures on the ISS.

you forgot, using an app like ‘Heart Rate Pro’ to get your heart rate

i think some of these towers actually melt salt in their tower, and the heat from that salt drives the steam engine. which keeps the heat 24 hours a day even overnight producing electricity the whole 24 hour day.

I think ceremonies might be protected as long as that ceremony does not infringe upon the rights of someone else. there are some ceremonies that are as simple as simply kneeling down to the floor to pray, and nothing more. However if an airbnb guest is trying to convert the house they rented into a full blown house of

the difference is that some forms of discrimination are legal and some forms of discrimination are illegal (as far as I know the protected ones are religion, press, speech, race/color, gender, veteran status, national origin, disability. these are the illegal discriminations and all other ones are legal, such as

I’m curious what types of discrimination Airbnb will allow and what types of discrimination it won’t allow.... For Example....... if you’re an Airbnb host and someone requesting to rent your place wants to use it to invite their punk culture friends so that they can have a bombastic pompous band rehearsal.
