
I wonder what will happen when it crosses over the ice wall?

but why does lightspeed Freeze time ? if time around it continues to pass ? Also, why is lightspeed connected to the passage of time? when time passes regardless of whether or not things are traveling light speed or not. Or is what is really happening, is that the perception of time freezes (it doesn’t actually) but

I’m trying to understand what you mean in what you said.... so Time dilation means that time passes more slowly or more fastly depending on which point of view you look at the traveler, and “length contraction”, I assume means..... while it might take you many many many steps to walk a mile, if you experienced length

perhaps you would be more at ease if there was a link to youtube so we see this video on youtube’s website instead of gizmodo’s website. this would be a big difference, right? seeing as we are now viewing the video on youtube..... while there is a difference......... from my perspective, it’s the same thing.

but the creator who posted that on youtube, has already given permission for his video to have a “Standard Youtube License” and if you read the Youtube license it says it’s a creative commons license. which means Gizmodo is within their right to use his video, thus even further benefiting the creator of the video

As far as I know, if you upload something to youtube, it’s because you are perfectly OK with the entire world’s population to potentially view that video. otherwise you would have set it to private, otherwise you would have disabled embedding the video. also any ads on the youtube video would still show up in the

you didn’t respond to my 2 examples, because both those examples are non-offensive, and you know it. end of discussion.

we’re in it purely for debate on a point (albeit a point you think is crappy), however, you didn’t even respond to the 2 examples i gave....... which means you have no response to the 2 examples i gave. End of Story...

when you say “YOU ARE DEFENDING THE RIGHT TO APPEAR IN BLACKFACE” you imply that it is never acceptable.... under any circumstance.... not even under the circumstances of military men in Afghanistan wanting to paint their face black so that they are camouflaged from the enemy during the cover of darkness at night

you totally misunderstand my point. You have failed multiple times to understand my point......... eating meat next to a vegetarian is, as you say “potentially offensive”..... i’m not sure why you’re not understanding my point... My point is “I dont think it should be offensive” this is in stark contrast to the fact

There are some foods that always leave bits of food on the pan. This is why you wash clean a typical steel pan. But how can you cook without leaving bits of food on a cast iron. It’s near impossible for me.

There are some foods that always leave bits of food on the pan. This is why you wash clean a typical steel pan. But

so a cast iron is never meant to be cleaned because you don’t want to clean the seasoning off of it....... Ok, the only concern i have with this is...... If you permanently leave the seasoning on, then isn’t there a pretty good chance that the seasoning will be laden with whatever bacteria grows on whatever little

so a cast iron is never meant to be cleaned because you don’t want to clean the seasoning off of it....... Ok, the

why are you asking “Why Not?” when i already clearly told you why........ do i need to copy/paste what I wrote so you could read why? I have already answered your question of ‘ why not’..... i’ll summarize it for you.... —> Just because something shouldn’t be offensive doesn’t mean it isn’t <— There.... did you

we could all just use the fill in the blank name spot to write-in who we vote for president. this way it can be anybody.

I’d like to respond to your statement of, “Do you have to do that by appropriating elements of someone else’s culture- ESPECIALLY when you are not an artist, or actor, but just some doofus with a smartphone” .......... Here’s the thing, while some people might not be artists, they may still consider themselves artists

you might walk around with a usb cable plugged into your phone.... if your headphone plugs into your usb port now, instead of your audio jack.

plenty of folks put on a disguise. An actor in some film might portray a native american (pretending to be something they’re not), and it’s not offensive, once again.... just artistic expression.... not everything people do has to be motivated by race. women put on make up so that they could pretend they are prettier

yea, except in the real world, hardly anyone ever says they own a Mac PC. they usually say they own a Mac if it’s an OSX or MacOS computer, or they say they own a PC if it’s a Windows computer. Educating the masses to correct their jargon, is futile.

some people find stuff offensive, some people don’t. me, myself, personally... I won’t find any of it offensive, unless it is obvious that someone is doing it to be derogatory towards me.

what word would you use to describe (in general) computers preinstalled with OSX on them, versus having Windows installed on them? In general folks say mac to refer to computers with MacOS or OSX, and use PC to refer to computers with Windows installed. if they’re referring to linux, they usually say linux PC