
This movie is getting ripped apart on rottentomatoes, and I love it. I’m totally here for that.

Its amazing how many people on twitter this weekend are viewing impeachment as a legal process and not a political one. “Oh, Mitch isn’t going to be an impartial juror! Isn’t that illegal?” Grow up, Francis.

I thought the business about the electoral college at the end of the cold open actually elevated the sketch into genius territory. The twist being “None of these fuckers’ opinions actually matter.”

#20 The Joker

I know next to nothing about the guy, but I assumed it was a reference to Karl Malone? They used to call him The Mailman, mailmen work at the post office...I dunno. It made sense to me. 

I literally always forget that they’re engaged until someone brings it up. Like, every time. I just can’t keep that piece of info locked in my head. it wants to run away.

The picture on the left was reputed to be Bill and Hillary Clinton, even though that guy looks NOTHING like Bill Clinton. Didn’t matter. Right wingers on the internet will believe anything.

counterpoint: Woody Harrelson’s Biden is hilarious. 

He can be funny for 90 seconds at a time on Weekend Update. Anything else he tries is a failure.

This guy’s like “Fuck all you guys, I’ve got a hotel to run.”

Hell no.

I imagine this might end up being Alex’s final broadcast. What a drag. :(

I find the music in Alladin to be terrible. “A Whole New World” in particular is a trainwreck. Beauty and the Beast—if I never hear the title track or Gaston’s song again, I’d be fine. “Be Our Guest” is a delight, though. Little Mermaid is probably the one I’d put up there with Frozen. Good stuff.

I may have told this story here before, but I took my 4 year old son to the movies to see Frozen based strictly on a teaser trailer I saw that involved the snowman and reindeer fighting over a carrot. I did not see any other commercials or trailers other than that one, which both me and my son thought was hilarious.

and yet, the music in Frozen was far superior.

Same here. Never saw Goodfellas or Scarface, which certain men of my generation think is essential to life.

Why can’t we cut and paste more than one thing at a time? Hear me out: You cut something. Then you cut another thing. Then you go to where you want these things, right click and select “Paste Object #1" or “Paste Object #2.” I mean, really. not hard.

It’s only November!

It was a reply to the final paragraph of this article. The article in general seems to display a lack of knowledge of the show’s history.

The Soup was hosted by a black woman for two years. Aisha Tyler 2001—2002.