
It’s been a year or so and I’m still not sure if I enjoyed Maniac or not.

I’ll assume Last Man on Earth was #101. Poor Tandy.

I just wanna say, I’m totally down for there being O’Bradovich audio in every B&T column from now on.

St. Elmo’s Fire?

Love that I can still read Block and Tackle, after Deadspin was cruelly taken away from us this week.

Deadspin Forever!

This is exactly the type of sports-focused content I crave! Thanks JimSpanner!

My favorite thing about Robert Johnson is there are only two verified photos of him. There’s a third that MIGHT be him (and if so, its owner stands to make millions). But most people think its not him.

““I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” about a nosy kid who narcs on his mom

I don’t think we’re getting a funbag this week, or maybe ever again. :(

it’s like these assholes don’t even know what they purchased. Rich idiots.

pretzel coats?

E-mail I wrote to the CEO. Feel free to copy and paste it if you like:

no no no no no no no.

This is perhaps the most savage form of non-violent protest I’ve ever encountered.

I never even got out of the grays!

True story: I had an electric leaf blower I used for a number of years. Last year as I held it in my hands, it started to catch on fire. I did not notice at first. (The fire was at the back of the unit where the cord plugs in, and I didn’t have my eyes on that part). Destroyed the unit, AND my $50 extension cord, and

True story: I had an electric leaf blower I used for a number of years. Last year as I held it in my hands, it

So the Chief Technology Officer? That guy or gal is making editorial decisions here?

I’m so glad this video didn’t autoplay!!

Worst thing I had stuck in my rectum was a laser focused on sports.