
My son is 10 and didn’t really ask me any questions until recently. Me and my wife were having a conversation about teen pregnancy and, in a moment of personal obliviousness, I told him not to get any girls pregnant in high school. “How do I get girls pregnant?” he asked. I wasn’t ready to have that conversation in

I never really knew the first line of The Ramones’ “Rockaway Beach,” despite having listened to it for almost three decades. So I googled it this morning.

Now playing

Burke and Manassas both name-checked in this latter-day (read: not so great) Dismemberment Plan track

The thing about BF5 is most people don’t even  know their good stuff. They’re like “Oh yeah, that song about being a brick? That was ok I guess.”

good take.

Ric didn’t sing “Drive.”

“Fitter Happier” is essential to the album. It is, in fact, the very meaning of the album.

you’re a nutjob, sir.

Joe Walsh of Illinois, a man who reached Congress based on racist birtherism against Obama, held terrible positions on everything, dodged his child support payments, got a radio show to spread further bullshit, and now wants to primary Donald Trump. 

Cody Parkey is available!

Roethlisberger cares very little about consent.

do you really think THAT’S the most striking thing about this story?

It might be considered an improvement on being the Jets QB.

Are we safe in assuming they’ll lose to the Browns?

I always think, man I’d love to listen to all these different podcasts. But realistically there’s too many, and I have no time. Maybe when my kids are grown and out of the house (about 16 more years) and I’m retired (about 25 (?) more years). Then I’ll be sure to listen to every episode of Office Ladies.

You can also shuffle all the property cards before the game and randomly deal 3--4 properties out to each player to start with. We did that last time and my 9 year old crushed me in record time.

Super Bowl 11 baby!

Stick to sports, wouldya?

Thanks for the explanation.

Swanson’s clearly a non-voter, yeah?