
fuckin bingo.

Yeah, Adrian Amos was a Bears safety for a long time. Nagy should have to answer why, in a critical moment of the game, he called a play that Amos could know just by pre-snap formation. CALL SOMETHING NEW. Also, said play involves throwing it right to Amos’ area on the field. TRUE GENIUS.

to be clear, I still give them about 80% of the blame. Just not the full hundred.

I’m not trying to be an asshole (its just my normal state of being), but the frequent use of the word “natural” bothers me. It’s my impression that your hair has to be treated in some way in order to have dreadlocks, am I wrong? Like nobody is born with dreadlocks.

It’s a shame that Brown is living down to the worst of his reputation. Like, I really want to put 100% of the blame for this on the Raiders organization, because that just feels so damn right. But I can’t.

King is not infallible. In this instance, he was wrong. The scene does not work and nearly destroys the ending of the book. But moreover, I would argue, one could remove that scene and not have it affect their enjoyment of the book at all, or have it affect the story that was being told. Which is why it is not at all

confimed, last pick of round 2 in my 12-team league. I did not take him, drafting OBJ earlier in the round instead. I won’t find out until mid-season how fucked I am with that pick.

I used to attend punk shows and there was this one dude who wore sports goggles a la Horace Grant in the 90s. I think he was trying to avoid your problem. 

you and i have different definitions for the word “essential.”

Brave and well-crafted piece of writing, sir. Kudos.

I downloaded it cause I thought it was a Ron Jeremy app.

Actually watch something before criticizing it? Where’s the fun in that?

Not Genghis Khan, but I have heard all people with European heritage are related to Charlemagne

I haven’t watch Chapelle’s show yet, but that joke seems to completely lack any understanding of how mental illness works...

Anyone who studies genealogy knows you can be connected to anyone else on the planet if you go back enough generations.

Sydow owns that role.

The same could be said about Rose Red....although I haven’t seen it since it aired, I remember really enjoying it.

god i love mrs. todd’s shortcut.

was she black? I feel like i read a news story couple years ago where this situation happened cause of racial assumptions.

I’m in the grays, so this will never be seen, but when you were talking about old fogey entertainers still being consumnate pros and absolutely worth seeing, it reminded me of seeing the Righteous Brothers in Las Vegas. Everyone and their brother should go see that show. You’ll know the songs—at least 50% of them—if