
The shit thing is the position is definitely not upgraded.

Nah, the funniest thing is still seeing Staley the Bear keel over from a broken heart. Cracks me up every time.

Too many of last season’s wins involved trick plays. When a coach pulls out more than two trick plays per season, I get deeply, these fuckers are so bad at football, their coach doesn’t think they can win a game by just playing normal football.

You’’re like purposely trying to write the worst take ever, right?

He cost us those two regular season wins, but don’t forget that he also doinked the uprights FOUR TIMES in a game the team WON.

Submissions for the NFL previews are closed. Next up: Chicago Bears.

Better “mental” shape, I think is what you mean. Who knows how they stack up physically against each other. Perhaps some time against each other in the octagon could settle that query.

I am so confused right now.

All of those guys were best in the Gap Girls sketches. Which is ironic, I suppose.

I met Julia Sweeney at a book signing and told her how much I loved her time on SNL. That was apparently a bad move, as her expression completely changed and she stopped talking to me. I felt terrible later, when I googled and found out she actually hated her time there. I still feel sorta bad about it.

It’s like RF is trying to beat 3B to the locker room. Just hilarious.

Just heard Jerry O’Connell has a daytime talk show somewhere. Now there’s a guy.

It’s close, but yeah I’d take FBD over Vulgar. 


nah, bro.

I was told there’d be no math.

Far Beyond Driven (if you ignore the glam metal 80s shit)

Many people think the Smashing Pumpkins hit their peak with Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

totes agree.

oh lord. here’s your star.