
Because the less thirsty ones only start talking about it when they really start to show and by then there are only a couple of months to go.

Every once in a while, I’ll see a picture of Trump or I’ll read about something he did, and I think, this person is President of the United States. He has been given pride of place alongside Franklin Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Barack Obama. And it makes me shudder. I don’t want him impeached. I want him

When shit hits the fan and he finally falls, I hope it’s just so deeply humiliating, so totally devastating to his ego and his psyche, that he never recovers. I don’t want us to hate him, I want us to forget him. I want us to erase him. That would be the best and most fitting punishment for inflicting himself on the

None of you fools recognize a good ol’ fashion Covfefe when you seen one?

*sigh* We invariably play host to what I call “The Cock of The Walk,” a male commenter who seemingly appears overnight,exerts dominance, get’s ungreyed then proceeds to dictate to the rest of us. I can remember half a dozen of them who have come and - thankfully- gone. The best we can do is let our dissatisfaction

Despite what some people want to pretend as part of their agenda, you cannot leap frog over heirs. Outside of a massive tragedy that eliminates the four people ahead of him, Harry is never going to be king. It just doesn’t work that way. And the reality is that people always complain about the heir when it is clear

This. So much better than Moral Dictata’s grandstanding.

Eh, please don’t. Cards are trash that you can’t throw away because sentimental feelings. They pile up and take up space you need for things of actual value. If all you’re saying is “Happy Birthday!” please do it on my facebook wall, much more eco-friendly.

I didn’t realize that was her in the picture above. From the home page, I thought it was one of the Real Housewives.

“A lot of people were watching the magazine show to try to get a sense of her appeal to the daytime demographic and a sense of how she would be outside of the Fox environment”

That header image. Oof. How anyone can believe this man or give him a buck is well beyond me.

They do have one thing right, though: we’ll be watching.

She quickly cut back that I shouldn’t respond to hate w/ hate

Then what would keep his hair from skittering away?

Love that. My uncle was a Rhodes Scholar and loved the British so we went to a friend’s house in the summer for the Charles and Diana wedding because there was no tv in the place our family stayed for the summer and my uncle dressed in a three piece suit for the occasion - at 4 a.m.. And at the end of his life, we

That is completely incorrect. Diana got to be a princess because Charles is the Prince of Wales. Kate is a duchess until Prince William becomes Prince of Wales. If the Queen had not given William the additional title of Duke of Cambridge, Kate would be known as Princess William of Wales. The Queen is said to dislike

Also, I really loved her reception dress. Or all her dresses in general.

I wasn’t around for this one, but my grandmother is from the UK and her house was covered with all the comparative plates, and tea sets, and knick knacks for everything from the weddings to coronations to anniversaries, so I grew up surrounded by the royal family. I was in college when Kate and Wills got married and I