She’s probably desperate for a friend, and a foreign liberal type like Megan seems to be ideal. A fellow “outsider” to royalty. I would assume if Harry married Megan that she and Kate can bond in a way only non-blue bloods could.
She’s probably desperate for a friend, and a foreign liberal type like Megan seems to be ideal. A fellow “outsider” to royalty. I would assume if Harry married Megan that she and Kate can bond in a way only non-blue bloods could.
Look, I’m for letting her speak, but mostly because I don’t give a single fuck about Ann Coulter anymore given all of the other crazies now running around for attention.
I think it’s because she actually cares, and isn’t afraid to show that she cares, and that makes some people deeply uncomfortable.
took me an embarrassingly long time
The meek shall inherit the girth.
It’s a glorious thing to be a Harry stan in the year of our Lord 2017. #blessed
I remember 5 or so years ago when 1D where getting seriously huge and I was in my first year of university he came to stay with a mate for a few nights and go out partying (he’s the same age as me).
I love him with my whole heart.
Also, he was adorable as the Confederate soldier who sings the bridge on the Civil War sketch. I also loved the pink Gucci he wore in the promo pictures.
Harry Styles was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live this weekend and, in debuting his new solo material,…
Is it?
My biggest hope was that we’d never have to hear Trump again, after the election. But then the voters forced me into this never ending cycle of hearing his stupidity on the news and it is very upsetting.
No. Listen. You don’t understand. When the atheist socialist globalist Muslim Kenyan golfed, it was because he is a Lazy Black. Trump golfs because that’s where Business People (men) do Business Work.
“I think our President is going to keep all the good people here,” Helen told WSBT in March, after her husband was detained. “He is not going to tear up families. I don’t think he wants to do that. He just wants to keep us safe.”
Everyone will attack me for not being empathetic and that’s their right, but -
Economic anxiety means having to say goodbye to your husband of 20 years
I wish they could put this woman’s tears into a soft drink for me to enjoy.