Get an adblocker, I forget all sorts of sites even *have* adverts haha
Get an adblocker, I forget all sorts of sites even *have* adverts haha
Check out a browser extention called uBlock Origin. It makes this site shockingly readable.
Yeah, Pete Davidson isn’t conventionally a “hot guy”, but I strongly suspect he’s good company, funny, and low-stress. Cruz can’t fathom a good personality being a factor because he has the personality of a bog leech in cold oil and assumes that hot girls rejected him solely because of his looks.
Scented foundation is the fucking worst. I remember getting a bottle of the perfect shade of Anna Sui foundation back in the day, and having to throw the whole thing out because it smelled overpoweringly of rose. I love roses, and rose fragrances are some of my very favorites, but when it’s actually on your face and…
You do know that there is pounds on top of pounds of criticism of fast fashion, right? Like they aren’t criticizing your blue shirt. They are acknowledging that it’s literally impossible to churn out that quantity at that price without heavy quality impact?
“Reading this almost makes me see worth in the Israeli tactic of destroying the family homes (and occasionally killing the families) of attackers after the act, but I know that’s just the rage talking.”
You know, this is a really fucked up thing to say, especially during a really fucked up week for Palestinians. I’m…
These people want children to die. These people want to force women to give birth to unwanted children they (Republican politicians) would let starve. These people want women to die. They want to burn books. They want to erase the history of oppression of black and brown people in this country from being taught to…
Congratulations. This comment is even shitthier and more mean spirited than the article. You've achieved the impossible!
Majority of the country supports abortion access:
I think that’s why they paired him with Lt. Barclay, to show what actual awkwardness looks like.
That’s a common joke in the evangelical South.
“faith” CAN have purpose and meaning to an individual.
Many white women value white supremacy above all else.
I agree about that rating were definitely on Kris’ mind. But I also think we as a society are not allowed to talk about mixed feelings or disappointment about pregnancies. It’s like it’s happening so get on board. Put on a happy face.
Apparently some people don’t remember that Mike Tyson
They’re slumming. They’re just like us. See, they come from humble roots; if we work hard, we can be as rich as Elon AND we can keep that down home street-cred as dress like we always have.
Rocky released a song in which he said Ora had a “big mouth,” and claimed that he “jizzed up all in her mouth and made the bitch bounce.
Both of them are trash
They both admit to hitting each other. The specifics of the degree of the abuse from one side to the other only really matter because Depp decided to drag this into the public so that now each of them has to provide details to either prove or disprove the degree of abuse and therefore justify one or both of their…