Sunglasses Emoji

Dilbert sucks, and has always sucked.

West Sylvan Middle is located to serve largely an upper middle class [and white] population. Overt racism there doesn’t surprise me a bit. Privileged white kids who spend K-8 with virtually no non-white classmates are more unlikely to shake their parents’ bullshit as they grow up.

I just think this is Biden doing the bare minimum.
Not judging just yet, because he could always try to push a bill or law to help the public against cops attacking them.
But for now, this is basically saying: “Get your surfboard, because here comes the wave.”

The legal team for the cockroaches, lice and bedbugs is currently putting together a defamation suit.

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

Man, I been gleefully enjoying this motherfucker’s crash & burn since he put on a MAGA hat and hugged Trump.

Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to pay thousands of dollars to send their children to Kanye West Middle School?

Both things can be true. She could have been acting in self defense, and also be a danger to be around in general.

Typical KCPD.  There’s no accountability because there’s no local control.  Well, okay, there’s LESS accountability than there usually is, which is already a low amount, because there’s no local control.  They do not give a shit because the governor’s board of whatever will just rubberstamp what they want because

Can we also get rid of the #GirlDad shit as well?

Yeah, the rich older man with tons of media connections had no power whatsoever over the 21 year old just starting her career.


yet he’ll keep getting features like Chris Brown and every other piece of shit.

and of course in feudal societies, men didn’t just do what they wanted willy-nilly, that’s a modern toxic masculine take on that time. Women, especially royals couldn’t be treated like this as they had protection, as defacto property by their families and a complex code of chivalry and certain basic ideas of women’s

I mean, the obvious thing we always point to is that there are dragons and ice creatures here so what the fuck is “historical accuracy” but they still attempt to argue that there’s some remote tether to medieval history. It’s not actually there, it’s bullshit, and they just can’t help themselves.

I’m just laughing

I just posted something similar. But I’m more horrified with the number of women that are a part of Depp’s rabid defenders. No matter how faithful you are to him, he’s not going to fuck you either ladies.

for the hundredth time...what is it about Johnny Depp that incites this kind of absolutely feral psychotic response? I have had so many encounters with these whackos for merely stating that maybe he’s guilty because a UK court found it “substantially likely” he beat her, and HOLY SHIT you’d think I called him a

Speaking as a landlord, I do not understand others who are anti-taking those on assistance. It literally makes no sense beyond just being prejudicial trash. You’re telling me my rent payment is pretty much guaranteed? AND there’s an agency I can go to if you start causing problems on the property that will help

I assume Thomas would happily overturn Loving v. Virginia (the case that outlawed antimiscegenation laws; hard to believe that was only 55 years ago LOL), not because it was based on shaky legal grounds (which I’m sure is what he would argue) but because as we all know, conservatives will happily eat shit as long as