Sunglasses Emoji

I’m sorry, what a heap of salt in the wound. Thinking about you and yours today. <3

“I think my favorite one, it says ‘My Girl Is A Lawyer,’ and that one’s really cute.”

Imagine thinking anyone in big tech is far left...

*geordi omg

Man I dunno, I dated a mechanical engineer for like 8 years and he was suave as hell.

I maintain that the least believable thing about Star Trek: The Next Generation is the idea that Georgi (LeVar Burton) was awkward and bad with women. The audacity. This man is all charm and goodness.

Fuck Mike Tyson generally, but man, that guy he hit really had it coming. I am so fucking done with these giggly entitled white bros.

Who criticized the home? Did l sounds perfectly nice. 

I agree, and I don’t think the friendship is evidence in the case, but man, it’s really further hurt my affection for Johnny Depp that he can be friends with this fuck.

Wait Amber Heard dated Elon Musk? Ew ew ew ew ew.

Thanks for clearing that up! Numbers are not my strong suit. :)

I am genuinely confused as to who is telling the truth between Amber and Johnny. I’m not really Team Anyone, but yikes, having a long, close friendship with an asshole like Manson is chilling.

Okay but how are they going to make this about pedophiles?

The rate for Kansas City (where I live, jokingly called Killa City) is 1,558 for every 100,000 people. Maybe not relevant at all (states vs. cities), but I found that really interesting.

This happened with my mother when she had cancer as well. Losing her hair was a big mental blow to her.

I don’t think there’s any reason to believe she actually committed the crime she’s imprisoned for, but even if she was... a vape pen with some hash? “Drug user” is some real pearl-clutching language.

I just remembered that time that Kim had people track her online and rob her in her hotel room. I wonder if this is bringing shit up for her now.

Came here to say this, but you did it better than I would have.

Well I am fully part of the problem, because I totally forgot Kimmel was on that show!

And The Man Show, something I’m a little surprised doesn’t haunt him more (actually no I’m not).