
People who complain about the electoral college don’t understand it, or the ramifications of a full fledged democracy (which we are not, we are a democratic republic for a reason). Giving the (generally ill-informed) masses the power to vote themselves the wealth of others (via taxation) is a dangerous proposition.


Any idea if this will be done by VIN or some sort of registration? Seems to add a ton of value to purchasing a used Model S.

I don’t think this is the case. Most of the polls have skewed far too highly democrat in their samples (which, not surprisingly pushes in favor of the democrat candidate). Historically speaking, the oversampling is on the scale of 5 to 6 percentage points, and that assumes the markedly higher minority turnout that the

Yeah, except for all those 4th quarter and OT game winners that he has led. Don’t let that get in the way of your crappy hot takes, though.

Pedant chiming in; the term comes from an archaic phrase known as “cater-corner” which describes being diagonally across from one another. The phrase has taken on multiple iterations from “catty-corner” to “caddy-corner” to “kitty-corner”. All of which are acceptable, but the “catty-corner” is clearly the closest to

I don’t think he is going to firgure out the irony there.

Even if you don’t understand it, the national debt is a highly important topic. People who don’t understand math act like these “imaginary numbers” are meaningless and can be run up ad infinitum; what you are forgetting about is the ever increasing interest burden. Every dollar you must pay in interest is a dollar