
Has anyone explained why no-one just decapitates the statues? In 'The Walking Dead', (comic) they've finally come to the realisation that the zombies are actually very easy to kill as long as you are careful and methodical about it. The same applies here surely? One keeps looking at the angel while the other

Has anyone explained why no-one just decapitates the statues? In 'The Walking Dead', (comic) they've finally come to the realisation that the zombies are actually very easy to kill as long as you are careful and methodical about it. The same applies here surely? One keeps looking at the angel while the other

And reading through the later posts shows that this was indeed suggested..doesn't earth-2 have the "show-me" id cards on everyone which would allow them to be tracked?

I'm sure someone may have touched on this but why not round up all the cortexiphan subjects on Earth-2 and use the bridge to bring them to Earth-1? As the link across the universes was allowing the earthquakes to happen, if they were all in the same universe surely no problem?

Drawn by Carlos Ezquerra - I've met some women who looked like Angelina and thought "Ohh! Carlos drew her" I was 8 years old when 2000ad came out and I was hooked from the start. I'd already read all the Stainless Steel Rat books before they adapted them - good memories!

You and me mate, I can't see anyone else getting that reference, and if you're under 40 I'll be very surprised!

Why does Ricky Gervais look so demonic? Look at him!
(Edited to say that this is genuinely my first comment after many years of lurking…)