Sleuth Engineer

I was informed once, but have not had the opportunity to verify (since all of my cars have had arrows), that cars without the arrow have the fuel pump handle on the side that the tank is on.

Wow, this is some Harvard Business Review level of analysis!

It’s okay

The doctors are all busy, but the dentists are all closed right now. And tax season got delayed so the accountants are free right now too. It should be a great time to be Harley.

The big question on everyone’s mind is “Can Harley really survive when every doctor on earth is so busy right now?”

Stop comparing used prices to new prices. 

The Corvette kept its composure even with mid-corner gear changes, so smooth were the shifts that they surely must have been lubricated by purist tears.

You’ll find them in the comments here!

Easy. “Speedycop: A LeMons Story”

This one has been beaten to death. The Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices establishes the procedures for setting the yellow change interval based on reaction time and measured speed (not speed limit), further augmented by any State-specific manuals (like the California MUTCD) but certainly no less time

Yes they are!

As a hoon, the EJ cruised the parking lots from La Jolla, to Riverside, and down to Pismo. The EJ. Who loved to hoon.

Yeah, everybody loves that Ducati bagger.

That’s nuts!!!

I’m a former blue collar worker that got a degree and now where polo shirts of various colors.

It is a bunch of wannabe tough guys wearing black t-shirts with “edgy” slogans on them.

I brought Le Mans over to my parents’ place to watch with my 2 brothers in the late 90's. My youngest brother got a call on the home phone, which was how things worked at the time. My other brother and I overheard his end of the conversation.

Only one reason to take a 7 year new car loan, you’re actually going to pay it off in a 3 or 5 years but the 7 year has a lower interest rate than the 3 or 5 year loan.

Has the AMG version ever been driven by anyone not in finance/tech having a good paying job ? 

McLaren MP4/4