
You must keep this thread open! How else will I, a suburban, upper middle class, middle-aged, politically conservative man learn what the cool kids are reading and listening to and cooking each week? With sincerity: this is my only link to any sort of hipness! (I just wish I could make a meet-up just once….)


My dissertation has been approved! Now, I know that family of mine is around here somewhere….

Somehow I was already logged in, so I thought I'd make a comment.

They're stuffed, right?

I know. I read about it last week in some McDonald's fan fiction.

The country doesn't exist anymore. "Return to Sender" is not an option. You ever see that Tom Hanks movie?

When my wife and I were first married, we were shooting the shit one day and my wife said, "I love Oprah!" I was immediately disgusted with this statement and started to berate her. I said, "Oprah is shit! It's just a bunch of bullshit on the stage, fake crap masquerading as profound, blah, blah, blah…." After I

"I know you won't let me buy you a drink….so can I just give you the money?"

Yes! A "Milk Life" reference! My 21-month-old has that tattooed across his knuckles!

Finally, a "Goodnight Moon" reference! My 21-month-old loves Goodnight Moon!

Didja ever see the one where the #3 bidder bid $1?
To answer the question that just popped into your head: Yes, the #4 bidder bid $2. And won.