Well, you have your Sunken Place inhabitants, and then you have Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens: the Kool-Aid guzzling, Lovecraftian monsters from the deep.
Well, you have your Sunken Place inhabitants, and then you have Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens: the Kool-Aid guzzling, Lovecraftian monsters from the deep.
“Waiting?” I had people telling me that three months ago.
My reaction to all of this:
It’s not about the fight, it’s about the journey. The long, long depictions of people going on journeys. And then more journeys and all the food they ate
My sympathy at this point lies with his editors. There is nothing more frustrating and unprofessional to an editor than a writer who won’t deliver pages. Yes, the creative process can take time, but at this point, it’s beyond that for GRRM. It’s not just that he’s a ponderously slow writer (which he is). He’s clearly…
Just waiting on the tinfoil hat brigade to reveal how these genetically modified mosquitoes will alter your DNA and that somehow this ties into Bill Gates and 5G and something...
Also remember children’s passports in the US are only good for 5 years instead of 10 like adults.
“Ed Mullins, who led the Sergeants Benevolent Association for 20 years, was indicted on a single federal charge of wire fraud on Wednesday for allegedly boosting $1 million from the union members he claimed to be defending,...”
Flealectric Bagaloo
Indeed, that show knocked my socks off. She’s a massive talent.
Julie Newmar is the best Catwoman, I will not be taking any questions thank you. Although I wouldn't say anyone has done a bad job outside that one film that need not be said.
I live alone. I wash my dishes by hand after every meal to avoid dried on oatmeal and congealed milk skin in the bottom of the glasses. I don’t leave the water running while I scrub the food off.
I’m not pro-abortion. Pro-abortion means that I want people to have abortions. I have no opinion on whether people should have abortions or shouldn’t have abortions. That’s my entire point. It’s none of my business. I’m not the one making the decision that will affect their lives so profoundly. The decision belongs…
Nothing better than misleading headlines that the anti-choice right-wing blogosphere can point to as proof that the pro-choice movement is pro-abortion.
Came here to say this. I mean, why don’t we just make it even easier for the forced birthers to troll us all.
Pro-abortion? Is that what we’re calling fundamental and essential healthcare now to make the title more click-bait? The fuck does that mean, pro-abortion?
Also up on the docket, Pine will star in Newflash as Walter Cronkite
Billionaires of all colors are all the same, feigning interest in the well being of regular people while pushing shitty policies meant to either line (or at least not tax) their pockets.
Co-starring A Man From Nantucket.
Oh, the Riddler is just doing a substitution cypher.