If there is the most potent incentive for voting in the mid-term elections, this flabby a$$hole is it. He coulda been voted out...
If there is the most potent incentive for voting in the mid-term elections, this flabby a$$hole is it. He coulda been voted out...
Well don’t raise your sons to be raging drunkard rapists... You won’t have anything to be afraid of.
And the fact that she had to interact with this sleaze after the assault... I can’t even begin to imagine how horrible that must have been. And him knowing what he did, getting away with it and relishing in her pain with smugness and indifference. Grrrrr...
Dang. That should be the 2018-2019 battle cry to get people registered to VOTE!
100% accurate.
Detaining lives > Saving lives
the more i read about “annulment vs. impeachment”... we could get rid of two rotten apples and the whole nightmare reversed.
STARS, not only for the comment but for the amazing use of supporting GIFs!
This is some “Crazytown” logic. This guy is up for a lifetime appointment who we are supposed to entrust with shaping policy for our entire country. And yet we should accept not getting all his records? WTF. And same with Orangeness and his tax returns.
He is trash (and extra fugly to boot).
Hmmm maybe I should burn my old issues of The New Yorker...
How many fans are we talking about?
And “Thou shall not kill” is a selective commandment.
What happened to “country first”? All of these greedy a-holes and their faux-patriotism.
I’ve never seen Clarence Thomas mentioned in Essence, Ebony or Jet in all my years growing up at my Grandparents and being bored and reading those mags. So if they didn’t claim him, I highly doubt Omarosa would make the cut!
Sorry guys, at this point, I ain’t going to be that picky. If she can help (even for entertainment purposes) to get Turd-in-Chief in shook-mode, I’ll take it.
This should be played after taking Ambien.
Accurate - what is the world coming to when I actually agree with Omarosa???