Funkasaurus Rex

The aircraft’s primary chemtrail dispenser was inoperative, and officials moved to the secondary method—coating wings in radiation-activated chemtrail materials. At altitude, radiation from the sun’s rays cause the applied liquids to become gaseous, resulting in a (slightly less-intense) chemtrail.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

From MLK’s Letter from a Brimingham Jail:

I think she should be able to work again, but a communications professor blocking journalists from a public area and saying bring some muscle (a threat) is a very, very, very bad look. That and her non-apology, I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want her working for any department I was involved with.

People get so up in arms about that song. It’s propaganda. We think it’s weird when we see bits of North Korea and the way they parade around and pretend like everything is patriotic and perfect. But then someone here doesn’t wanna parade around and buy into the chant reaffirming their American-ness...and we lose our

Don’t be sad. Harambe would've wanted it this way. He loved low hanging fruit.

Only a fool fucks with Phelps when he’s in compete mode.

And fuck all this nonsense about him partying when he’s not swimming. That man has spent more time honing himself into the perfect swimmer than any of us have spent doing anything (including jerking off). He ought to have a life permit to party the fuck down

A simple solution: Appoint an independent counsel to investigate the problems at Baylor. I nominate William Jefferson Clinton.


I’m of the opinion that Conor McGregor is a self-aggrandizing prick. A good fighter, hell - possibly a great fighter, but a self-aggrandizing prick nonetheless.

That being said, I wholly support him roasting Dana White’s nuts over a can of media fueled sterno.

Dana White, and by extension, the UFC is terrible to it’s

You are awesome.

Oh fuck off.

So you think that we Autistic women don’t exist?

Anti-vaxx movement stands against Autistic people by pushing harmful propaganda that promotes fear and prejudice towards Autistic people, the anti-vaxx movement has also seen a sea of money being used to disprove the myth of a connection between vaccines and autism -

Then why was Trump practically a fucking liberal not 3 years ago? Now, hes running for president and suddenly hes the most batshit crazy conservative in the entire flock of batshit crazy conservatives? I’m not buying it.

Somebody took notes during Cris Carter’s seminar.

Chris Christie became confused trying to alphabetize his names, so he gave up and ate 24 cans of alphabet soup instead

[Touches envelope to forehead]