Predators are very socially aware people. I think want Kelly is trying to say is that she had a lot of power in a way, so people couldn’t mess with her. Kesha came up a completely different way, in a way that Dr. Luke probably exploited.
Predators are very socially aware people. I think want Kelly is trying to say is that she had a lot of power in a way, so people couldn’t mess with her. Kesha came up a completely different way, in a way that Dr. Luke probably exploited.
Can we simply not trademark first names? Is it too much to ask?
Actually, if I broke up with my boyfriend, I might make a “revenge cookbook” of all the foods he didn’t like but I loved. Duck would be in there too. Also lobster. I’ve dated too many guys who do not appreciate lobster.
I sincerely wonder how many of last night’s Grammy attendees have also not committed statutory rape.
“I think I echo your sense of confusion around what it really means to say that “the times were different,” and how that is both simultaneously an explanation and a failure of an explanation.”
I was utterly clueless until I was 30.
Sometimes teenage girls look like adult woman and I suspect for men that can be confusing. Having said that, the picture next to Bowie is that of a child, and not even a particularly mature looking child. If the girl pictured is arousing to you, you’re not in to woman, you’re in to children.
I found it equal parts maddening and sad. Without getting into the debate about female sexual agency, even for minors, the fact that she says she didn’t feel exploited, that these men were actually protecting her, that she considers herself ‘special’ so there was nothing unusual about grown men sleeping with…
It’s nice to see you guys addressing this. Iggy Pop was another one who talked about sleeping with “baby groupies.” He sang about sleeping with Sable Starr when she was 13. You have to wonder how much of this was the sexual revolution and how much of it was the drugs and egomania. No one questioned them on their…
Yeah, to me that detail is important. It shows she was confident enough in the situation to say no, and he was respectful enough to accept it. That’s not something that can be said about every groupie/rock star encounter, you know?
I feel like “Bowie nostalgia” ends at “Labyrinth”—and, for a lot of older millennials, that’s the extent of their exposure to him. Younger millennials weren’t born yet, though, so don’t really feel anything for him. From the perspective of most critics, Bowie’s golden era of music ended at “Scary Monsters,” which is…
Her word should count for quite a bit when discussing her own situation, much less so when discussing policy or societal norms.
i mostly see a “it was the times!!” excuse. which makes me feel bad for all victims of sexual assault before, what? 1985? like theirs doesnt count
Didn’t she say for years that she lost her virginity to Jimmy Page? How did she lose her virginity twice?
I was 13-14 in the mid-70s, and I got a lot of attention from grown men. I was thrilled by it. Boys my age either ignored me, barked at me, or called me names. Adult men talked to me like I was a person, admired me, complemented me. At the time, it was bliss, and I felt it made me special. And thanks mainly to a lack…
It is easy to denounce the part Bowie played in this, even with any number of purportedly mitigating factors: the political context, Maddox’s story, the fact that he lived with generosity and openness, the less generous fact that his synapses were perpetually blitzed with cocaine.
Why aren’t you writing about Jimmy Page and Lori Maddox? Is it because he’s still alive. Not so fearless after all.
As a rock musician, I see and hear people defend this behavior all the time. A lot of people’s favorite musicians were boning children, and nobody likes to say how fucked up it was. Look at Steven Tyler! People are still shocked when I tell them the crazy shit he did. You’d think everyone would know by now, but they’d…
“ can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You…