
No it doesn’t; we have no idea right now if they are at all related. Speculation and rumors at this point are not helpful

Really more of a commentary on your eagerness to do a play on “Black Lives Matter.” If she’s white, your cute little commentary doesn’t work.

Not the first time someone has used a charity to do awful things. Sandusky anyone?


She’s white.

You mean like when the headline says “Conservative caught in sex sting” or “Trump supporter sends racist tweets” or maybe “Republican Senator indicted on money laundering charges”.

Breaking news, remember the ‘92 campaign with the ‘buy one, get one for free’? Well it’s the same thing all over again, only with the genders reversed. You vote for Hillary, you will also get Bill, for better or for worse.

Exactly. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You can’t go all out on Trump and how he mistreats women and then expect him to leave Bill Clinton out of it.

Wait until trump says “cigar”.

Hillary just killed that defense by saying she would put him in charge of her Presidency’s economic policy!

Well Hillary blew that argument up when she said he’d be in charge of the goddamned economy if she’s elected! WHYYYYYY would she kill this defense she had? Fucking Christ on a crutch it's like they want to lose.

I feel like there aren’t a whole lot of things that make a plane disappear at 37,000 feet.

Me, either. wink wink, you know, places where brown and black people live. He’s disgusting.

Right? If you’re going to call someone out, call them the fuck out. That passive-aggressive tweeting bullshit is for assholes. “Oh, I just have to say this publicly but I won’t tell you who I’m talking about.” Hey, Page 6 called. They want their schtick back.

Knowing she’s had substantial plastic surgery makes her way less legit as a model to me.

Come on. The headline is purposely written to make you think that something vile happened at a Trump rally which caused the shutdown of a rape crisis center. This was very clearly not the case. Further, if the headline was written as informational rather than clickbaitable, it would say “local businesses closed

This type of thing happens every time a politician goes anywhere. I’m amazed that even a blog would find it newsworthy.

This should win the award for Purposely Misleading Headlines.

She has a long history of homophobia against gay men, especially effeminate men, which is in no way justified by her being bisexual or having a lesbian sister.

A homophobic bigot with an anger problem that once had a a very minor quasi-rap hit, who is loved by white women who normally don’t listed to rap music. Here most notable cultural achievement is probably being one of the last d-list celebrities given the chance to pose nude for Playboy. Also someone who apparently