
Two things...

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

Now playing

To this day, one of the funniest things Overwatch-related I’ve ever heard is in a Dinoflask video where he made Jeff talk about Symmetra. “And her turrets are replaced with little, um, McCrees that scream it’s mid-day every 3 seconds.”

Then again, when have the RNG gods ever smiled upon players when they most needed it?

Why should he?

Overwatch boxes have no gameplay advantage. You can’t even buy them in-game (on Xbox), and it took months for me to learn they even existed.

It’s been said before, but Overwatch is not a villain here, yet it is continually referenced. Overwatch boxes have no gameplay advantage. You can’t even buy them in-game (on Xbox), and it took months for me to learn they even existed. I like to throw them five bucks during the events in exchange for the hundreds of

Overwatch also throws boxes at you between leveling rewards and weekly arcade. I’ve never, ever felt a need to buy a box in OW. Even the kind of “I want!” pang. Overwatch also allows you to rather reasonably purchase stuff a la carte. So I rarely miss a skin or emote or whatever that I actually want.

Damn, 180 is a lot. There’s no mention of the figure’s scale on the facebook page, so its a shame there’s no reference shots for its size. If its a say, 1/18th scale then it would be a hard pass for me. Its a nice and detailed action figure, but I would be buying something like that as a decoration. If its not

This doesn’t really portray how shocking this is. The guy was sweeting a week ago about feeling sick and getting shots for tonsillitis 6 days ago.

Not that this was suggested but it’s not like the guy was battling cancer or some terminal illness. He was here and then he wasn’t and no one is really explaining why. Not

How dare people insinuate that Ubisoft would do something as malevolent as force user to experience an invasive DRM that is CPU intensive.

I would also like to remind everyone that NSFW stuff comprises a good chunk of Patreon’s fiances. If they bite the hands that feeds them, those folks will go elsewhere, and by default, cut drastically into Patreon’s cut.

Harder for you also doesn’t = hard. Just because you don’t know how to do something doesn’t mean it’s difficult to actually do.

And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.

It’s lag, the view we’re seeing is from a spectator camera which is why there’s button prompts along the top.

Get you fudgin mayo politics outta here. Honey mustard rules them all.

Get out.

Dexterity, skill, tactics....

The snarling face made me lose it.

If you're forced to sell your belongings in order to finance your wedding, you're spending too much on the wedding.