
In some ways lately, MTV has been impressing me. They have some great anti-smoking ads, black lives matter ads, disseminate lots of sex ed information, and the show Finding Carter is EXCELLENT (and deals with teenage issues in an often incredibly realistic, non-shamey way).

I think I’ve got this. I’ve done some difficult things (rear brakes on an E-Type with no lift, Giubos on my Alfa, water pump on an A/C-equipped Mercedes 220D just to name some off the top of my head. But one experience stands out as the worst.

alternate topshots we were looking at:

This takes care of most of them

Money talks. He is the poster boy for the Koch brothers. He also ran against two weak candidates. Thank god Russ Feingold is running again for his old senate seat.

I was doing pads and rotors on my car and the last rotor wasn't coming off so I was hitting it with a mallet and it came off and landed perfectly on the air hose and cut it in half. Not too bad but that was annoying

Except that he initially campaigned on an anti-public employee platform, and the public employees voted for him in droves, because they didn’t really believe he meant to go after them and their jobs. It’s the classic individualistic everybody-deserves-to-lose-their-job-but-me idiot attitude that works so well to

Still love your name

He’s been very useful if your last name is Koch or Menard.

OK Americans against those evil unions, this is why unions were needed a hundred years ago and are still needed today. Without collective bargaining and labour laws, you’ll have 14 year olds, working 18 hour shifts, pulling coal out of the mines again. Don’t believe me, believe Scott.

He’ll just say it’s all about “choice.”

Wisconsin had a chance to get rid of Walker in a recall election, so clearly they’re not better than this.

Gotta love that seven-day workweek part. I thought this motherfucker was supposed to be Christian.

I don’t understand how one person can be such a goddamn evil fucking asshole.
I hope awful things comes out about him in the primaries (I’m sure there are skeletons in his closet) and his political career goes up in flames.

Individual religious beliefs have nothing to do with who the state should allow to marry. If someone’s opposed to same sex marriage, they should refrain from entering one themselves and should join a religious denomination that shares their views, but there’s no reason a person who opposes same sex marriage on

In Colorado, they also prescribed implants—the little sitcks that go in the upper arms and last for about 3 years. But, yes, as others have stated, IUDs these days are different (though some still advise in their fine print that they are optimal for women who have already have kids).

Have I just asked the wrong medical professionals?

One of my best friends is a car salesman. He’s generally a very ethical person, but to keep his job he’s required to pitch certain products, upgrades and services. Apparently the universal scam performed by all service stations relates to your cabin air filter. They have an old dirty filter laying around and sometime

Yeah, that’s bullshit. Any dealer that tries to pull that is losing my business immediately, and the business of anyone else I can inform. Also....Magnussen-Moss warranty act is your friend.

I fail to see how an aftermarket suspension lead to a bad flywheel cracking the bell housing. How does a flywheel even crack a bell housing?