
No one would call that professional behaviour (if we consider dress as part of behaviour, which I think is reasonable). I have to uphold a professional/legal obligation to my students, part of that is behaving professionally around them (both on and off school grounds). A teacher that isn't behaving professionally

I'm all for profesional dress. I think suits and ties would be great, but you can't expect me to pay those dry cleaning bills on 45k a year.

Are you going to fire a teacher because they have a tatoo? really? I mean that just seems a little 1950's for me. More over, of course teachers need to dress professionaly, I think that it would make more sense to frame it like that, as opposed to telling a teacher the exact mesurements that they can wear.

As a new teacher: FUCK THIS. I'm lucky, in that my male WASPy privilege has me comfortably wearing golf shirts and dress pants since I was old enough to remember, and I never got any tattoos, though I was kinda planning on it soon when I got some extra income to throw at it.... why do we treat our teachers like shit?

I built a canvas canoe 2 years ago, but it was pattered on traditional designes, not science. I wouldn't have wanted to toy with any of the curves too much, it would be way too easy to screw up and have a boat that didn't track straight or had a weird centre of balance.

I'm a canoeist and I almost went into hydro-dynamics because I just wanted to understand how boats moved in water. Didn't, but that was more to do with finding calc. really, really boaring.

Kinda want...

I laughed.

I've seen May's shows and they're not half bad. I knew Hammond did stuff like this, but I expected better. I'm surprised Jeremy doesn't give Hammond more shit about this, although between his calenders, stupid cars and bad hair cuts there wouldn't be any time for cars on Top Gear if you add in this shit.

Is this really what Hammond does to pay for those stupid wooden cars he buys? Seems kinda sad....

I'm a high school spec. ed. teacher and this makes complete sense. Being a mascot gives these people a very simple and strict "social script" to follow. For an Autsic person, this directly translates into being able to be more social.

I'm surprised that he got through the post without mentioning Due South...

I know someone else responded with this, but I need to add my voice. The West Wing will make you realize why TV was created. You need to watch it, I've rewatched a few times, I still cry... seriously, I still cry.

I'm not saying anything about acceptible and unacceptible, just that it is the venue's choice to make and they have every right to make an unpopular one, or an asshole-ish one.

I'm sure it was on the ticket. Something like "management reseves the right to...."

It doesn't matter. You can be kicked out of a privet venue for any reason.

Agreed! Well said.

I like how you think.

Well said. If we don't create public forums to talk about these issues and if we don't have people standing in those forums with the badge on saying "I had an abortion", then how will people know it's ok to talk about it. How do we create real meaningful dialog if it's all in the hypothetical?

I've watched her vids before and she seems like a thoughtful person, doing her best to make sense out of the world. I can't imagine how she would get such hate with real people worthy of such responses are everywhere we look.