I've had my eye on Othercide, because I'm a sucker for strategy games and I really like the aesthetic. Glad I finally get to try it out.
I've had my eye on Othercide, because I'm a sucker for strategy games and I really like the aesthetic. Glad I finally get to try it out.
I went ahead and played through on hard for my first playthrough without adjusting any of the sliders, and keeping aim assist off, and I fared pretty well. It wasn’t easy, by any means, but it was a good level of challenge. I don’t think I’ll be doing another playthough for a while though. I liked the game, but damn…
Appearing Operational...I mean, as long as your housing and zoning people don’t read your articles about them not being actually operational.
Considering I bought a Vita TV just for this game, this is a steal. (Also I have no idea where my Vita TV went, and would have to dig it out of storage).
I mean, I love P5, because you dethrone god with a big fuckin bullet made of the Seven Deadly Sins, which is arguably the best way to do it.
It’ll sell though. There’s a large class of gamers who just buy Madden or FIFA, CoD, and play the Battle Royal game of their choice. Those dudes, if they’re in their late 20's and early 30's, probably have pretty fond memories of THPS, and will absolutely buy the remake. It’s got pretty wide appeal.
For me Goldfingers,”Superman” is probably the most iconic track. None of these will be missed particularly, but its surprising they couldn’t get licensing. Super excited about the remakes.
Of course the little store can’t compete on price, almost every large grocery retailer sells their basic milk at a loss. My regional chain has its own dairy, and owns the means of production/shipping/refrigeration, etc. And we still sell the milk at a loss to get people in the door. I’ve always wondered as milk…
If they’re smart, they’re developing Halo: Infinite with Esports in mind. I still remember Halo 2 MLG (Shoot to Kill/Final Boss were pretty cool, mostly because of the Ogre Twins) on like USA network or something. It was ahead of its time.
Ah yes, clicking a different launcher button, before you even start the game, does indeed ruin the contents of the game completely.
Shit, man, you’re a Dolphins fan? Planning on watching Mean Streets this weekend? I’m so sorry.
He rushed for 15 yards, and passed for 20, they were getting him involved.
Man, we’re already getting a head start for “Why Your World Cup Host Sucks 2022".
Wait, hold the fuck up. Kirk Cousins has a podcast? Does everybody have a podcast? Do I have a podcast? I’m mostly surprised because I haven’t heard someone bitching about him producing it, when he should be playing FOOTBALL.
So basically some members of SAG-AFTRA were in the game voicing characters, because they can in Texas, but they undermine the union by doing that. Troy Baker obviously could have gotten something better than whatever the no names were getting paid (and probably better treatment and pay than the union contract…
I mean, I work as a grocery manager. I still get asked if I work here when I’m on the floor, and my boilerplate response is still “As little as possible” so, you know.
Uhhhh, stick to sports?
You know it must be bad if things somehow get worse after leaving the Phoenix Suns.
Somewhere between a man killing his wife, and losing 4 super bowls in a row.