Sleepy Cat

I would say the television MCU villains are far more entertaining than the film ones because there is more time to establish a motive and character. Agent Carter's take on Doctor Faustus is a good example. That said, Loki is probably the best of the film villains.

*runs back* I did. Didn't you see me running? I can run away AGAIN, but it loses its effect after the second or third time. I … *runs away again*

Hey I liked District 9 when I watched it the second time. I didn't have the expectations that it was going to be an insightful commentary on apartheid- in other words, a smart sci-fi movie. It's smart, but only in ways of dreaming up gruesome deaths at the hand of cooler and cooler weapons. That's fine, but not what I

I actually felt the same way about District 9 *runs away*

I think James Wan would secretly love being referred to as Jam Wan.

And here I thought the lawsuit would be about their terrible new album cover.

It could be worse. They could have Ping.

Don't hold your breath on that one. There is no contract. Disney owns Pixar outright. Also what was wrong with Monsters University and Brave? They were both excellent films. Cars 2 is probably the worst thing they've ever done, but Pixar continues to put out films that are superior compared with the competition.

I agree. If they're doing Ant-Man, they are already using Hank Pym. Why not stick to continuity as much as possible? Also, is it just me or does anyone else think Josh Brolin would be a great Hank Pym?

So Monsters University, which has grossed $250M to date, is in the same category as Turbo and Epic because it has made $25M less than Despicable Me 2. Huh?