I’m assuming you can get this set up to run an infinite amount of Doom in Doom .
Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Go see it, you need to; you’re deprived if you’ve never seen that movie!
It’s 86,000 in a day. I wouldn’t for a moment expect it to get through half a million buttons without a failure.
No, it is not hindsight. Any system with a single point of failure has a high probability of failure over a short time scale. With a button press every minute, you have over 86,000 chances to fail in a single day.
Seriously, one bot failed, and *poof*?
This video has better production value than most Uwe Boll creations, and the actor’s really emoting. I’m impressed.
How much money do I need to give for him to not make his next movie?
You’re a dick, Jonathan.
If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.
Haha, you’re just trolling right? Or ..? If intelligence is the standard, whales are one of the most intelligent species on the planet.
See, criticizing Asian cultures for eating animals that we usually regard as pets, such as dogs, THATS unfair and offensive. Dogs are in high supply and can easily be bred to produce more, we will never run out of dogs. If you are a meat eater and you object to other cultures for eating dogs, yeah, you’re an asshole.
I haven’t done this in a while, but here’s some EXTRA REEL.
In which case, the tattoo's a damn good likeness
Sure, many people smoke pot, but that doesn't mean everyone should. Some people have effects like what you mention.