
When will this teen-centered madness end???!!!

So THAT'S what's going on!

Oh God…

I'LL NEVER TELL YOU WHERE HE IS!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*jaunty theme song*


"While the LAPD reportedly still wants to “talk” to Bieber about the accusations of attempted robbery, no charges have yet been filed—leaving this Canadian arrest the first to trigger an investigation into whether it violates the two-year probation he’s currently serving, after his neighbors’ house disrupted the

You are clearly not a student of the O'Nealian School of Pop Culture Writing.


I can almost see the "We're No. 1" article about the album it inspires forty years from now.

Wait, when was the last time we beheaded him?

My sister was once bitten by a møøse.

I'm gonna rip those meeses to pieces?


They just executed another American journalist. Better get Bieber on the next flight to Baghdad STAT!

And guest.

My memory's not perfect, so I could be wrong. "Polly" always struck me as being more similar. "On a Plain" also has some of the soft-loud dynamic of which neither other song possesses.

Who designed their outfits?

Well that's a reaction to sexism, not sexism itself. But I get what you're saying.