
That's actually a great analogy. I might have to use that sometime.

Didn't George Carlin say something like that? I think he was talking about how he watched his dog lick his own loins, and how if he could do that he would never leave his house again.

Maybe if we ignore them, they'll just go away forever.

I just write a description about it.

Yeah that sounds about right. I'm sure a majority of the people who victim-blame wouldn't identify as being an MRA, but the whole thing certainly does have a component of sexism that is all too common in American society today.

I'd like to make the hypothesis that victim-blaming in situations like this is a form of MRA-ism. Thoughts?

It's their fault that they were born!

Also, since when were there six members of Maroon 5, and since when were they racially integrated?

Didn't one of the guys say it was going to be darker material, like a return to Songs About Jane?

You misspelled "Nickelback."

Fuck Oasis

You literally only talked about two of the songs on the album. Bravo.

Yeah I don't know what the author was thinking. It's just stream-of-consciousness nonsense, which is probably why it's my absolute favorite Dylan song.

Not saying anything that hasn't been said before, but this guy sucks in this interview.

They're my favorite band, I just can't listen to them.

Obviously not that low, considering Krist Novoselic's height.

Yeah "Dumb" is the one song off that album I really don't care for. I wouldn't pick it as my Hatesong to ramble on about, though.

He also hates Manfred Mann's Springsteen cover for its blatant commercial ties with the tampon industry.

Great job, Internet!

Hope Joan Rivers gets well soon.