
*swallows jar of Valium*

I do that on purpose, for extra humor.

Well would you look at that, it's high noon.

I hate the NSA as well, but at least they have the decency to not tell the world, unlike these people who published these private pictures.

I NEED NEWSWIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Horrible. I miss having privacy.

You should have done it after the finals.

Plus he always insists on being in 1.25 spacing. I NEED YOU TO BE DOUBLE SPACED BITCH!!!!!

I typed my resume in Comic Sans ala Weird Al.

The Bringing 3: Will Bring

What about "We-end-ign Ree-fin."

Times New Roman is so arrogant. Default font my ass.

So all those people scarred for life was in vain?

She may have a case, but I really don't care for this.

Did it! Will the results be published on the comment boards when it's complete?


Is it just me or does every doctor's computer run on Windows XP?

Will they be paid?

The A.V. Club

Just one more Noah's Ark movie and maybe we'll finally convert the masses and become a Christian theocracy at last! WOOHOO!