
My brain hurts…

Do these people know that there are millions of pictures of Robin Williams on the Internet that they can use for reference within seconds?

I predict this show will last for twenty seasons.




Oh, it was a while ago that I checked. Still not worthless, per se.

If corporations were people, Disqus would be first on my hit-list.

Actually now they're worth slightly more than American dollars.

Canada seems much cooler about our movies and TV shows than some other country I could mention.

*cough* North Korea *cough*

How about releasing, um, THE ACTUAL UNRELEASED BASEMENT TAPES?!!!!!!!!

That would a great opportunity for there to be a blackout.

Police better protect their necks. He's unarmed.

Out of these three, I'm afraid I'd have to pick Coldplay. I'd rather have a bad Radiohead imitation than a bad pop star.

I came here to see the reaction to Weird Al not being on the NFL shortlist.




Well I hope…

Guess they'll just have to cancel Saturday Night Live now. Boo hoo hoo.