
C'mon man. The Allman Brothers are great. And I'm a New Yorker saying that.


Why is the steering wheel on the left side? Did he only use this car for when he was in America or something?

That would make more sense. New Hampshire has always more of a swing state.

Yeah, why does Disqus let you do that?



It's cases like this that solidify my belief that assisted suicide should be legal.

Oh OK. Didn't know that. Thanks!

Good! I'm Hungary!!!!!

Yeah, we need to Sweden it up a little bit.

Solo albums? When was he ever in a band?

Preach dat!

Allow me.

Health care run by free-markets? FUGETTABOUTIT!!!!!

I've never cared about Kanye West, so I guess that means I'm asexual.

Vermont is more liberal than libertarian, in fact one of the most liberal states. One of their senators is a socialist (in the literal "he says he's a socialist" sense, not the "conservatives claim every liberal is a socialist" sense).


Wanna be a member? Wanna be a member?

In general I'm an opponent of censorship, but the Hays Code was seriously necessary at the time.