
Great avatar/comment synergy.

Two words: Bamboo. Isle.

I've heard that. But couldn't they do SOME remodeling of the character? SERIOUSLY MAX FLEISCHER!



Just a city boy…

It's like she ate a bunch of hamburgers and made the fat go to her head.

I will not rest until I see Betty Boop in a Katy Perry dress.

Sure she has a nice body, but what's with the face? She's certainly no Jessica Rabbit.

I think it's going to be pretty tough to cast Phil Spector as the next Doctor.

That's funny. You're a funny guy.

Excellent username/avatar/comment synergy!

Oops. I'll change it now.


It's too bad what happened to him. He lost his dental license, had to move to Arizona, became a science teacher, got cancer, and had to become a meth dealer!

Thanks! That's what I set out to do.

Come on, music industry! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!

You had a mullet in elementary school?

They've gotta spend some time, love.

Marah, the article is beautiful. This article and its comments are definitely going to be up for a lot of Commies.