
*Godwin's head explodes*

Upvoted for greatness :).

The A.V. Club

DEAR LEADER!!!!!! I CAN WALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He knew that. The North Korean people don't. I'm sure Kim Jong-Il made sure to keep it that way for propaganda purposes.

They were nice enough not to complain about 'Amish Paradise.' Then again, they probably never saw 'Amish Paradise.'

Great. Now the North Koreans win. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY SETH ROGAN YOU COMMIE!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But is there a big conspiracy?

#Really #ThatsLikeLookingThroughTheLookingGlassButWithTVShows #OverlyLongHashtags



Which basically means this show will be over after its fourth season.

What if I want to watch Big Bang Theory on Nick@Nite?! THIS IS OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!

Not unless you're a teen mom.

I guess Putin wouldn't allow them to be on the Russian version: Cards of House.

Heck, I'm don't even know if I'm telling the truth right now.

It's hard not to admire someone who's been going on so strong for so long. Keep it up, Leonard!

How hard is it to report the news?

The A.V. Club

You just never know what you have until it's gone.