
Go away.

I have no words.

May you rest in peace, Robin.

I was referring to their predictability. But I like them nonetheless.

I hear there was a car crash??


Taylor Hawkins isn't even the best drummer in Foo Fighters.

I like Foo Fighters. They have a good album.

I know. Just being funny. You should buy a chocolate bar with those nickels you have saved up.

Yes, because the AV Club is supposed to be the home of unafraid and unbiased journalism.

He was still Sean Hannity in Israel. There is no redemption.

Why are you referring to yourself in 3rd person?

Obama is the worst president in 6 years.

I feel bad for the Israeli mother.

This is like colorizing black and white movies or converting mono records to stereo: it gets in the way of the original art.

You're Bob Dylan? Or are you just demonstrating your knowledge of Bob Dylan?

It certainly deserves to be.

There are far worse shows on Disney Channel. I'll take it.


When in Romeā€¦

I personally cannot possibly imagine Bob Dylan being on the Internet in any form (especially outright calling himself "Bob Dylan"). But that's just me.