
Since when do 40-year-old middle class while guys write movies?

That guy's got flow…

Ooooh my first spammer.

Are kids really into rock these days? I think School of Rap would be more successful.

He looks like a drug dealer now. Ladies and gentlemen, "rock's greatest chest."

I'm going to take the middle ground between you and @hyperbolic paranoid and say 1975.

"I woke up in a pool in Nool! A spec of dust knew my name!"

Us A.V. Club commenters would be much kinder. We would kill them with snark.

The Spec and the Elephant

OMG he's hot!

It's a tough business, man.

The Cat in the Hat was even more hilarious. Why can't books for children have adult humor that I'm sure little kids wouldn't get?!

She can read big words like "Constantinople" and "Timbuktu."

He loves to eat a snack with Brown and Black.

Did he come back with Mr. Black?

You are an inspiration.

Horton's Sperm Searches for an Egg

Will it finally reissue Dr. Seuss' first book: The Pocket Book of Boners?

What about elephants?

Nirvana's "I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black" was always the weirdest lyric ever to me.