
Some people just aren't meant to be Jedi.

I was thinking maybe he used the Force to control his lightsaber. That would either make him invincible or cause him to kill himself by complete accident.

Wait, how did he hold his lightsaber?

Congratulations Princess Leia! YOU FINALLY MADE THE BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure there's an alternate universe where white Southerners are actually treated like minorities and that it would probably be really funny to us.

Wanting to go to war with France was a bad idea. Plus his Federalists smeared Jefferson with the Hemmings affair. but he had an equally embarrassing extramarital affair. So in that sense he was the Newt Gingrich of Founding Fathers.

John C. Calhoun was one of the two people (Sen. Henry Clay was the other) that Andrew Jackson stated on the last day of his presidency that he regretted not killing.

I couldn't find anything on the Internet about that except questions on answer forms about whether he beat President Franklin Pierce, which is no. However, Preston Brooks was a protégé of Calhoun and he beat Charles Sumner, so regardless he was a bad dude.


That comic strip sucks.

Plus he looks like if Frankenstein ever ran for Congress.

Yeah, but Alexander Hamilton is my least favorite Founding Father. Not that that merited him getting murdered, but at least it wasn't Madison or something.

Misa no like green eggs and ham. Hmm, I should make a gimmick account out of this.

They're the same! AND the opposite!

Tax dollars at work.

And Republicans are struggling indie filmmakers who win some film festival, get overexcited, indulge themselves for their next film which flops, and end up back at square one.

Misa no support gay marriage!

Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Someone forgot to tell the AV Club that Weird Al Week is over. OH WELL!!!!!!