There’s a right? Really?
There’s a right? Really?
Tad Dickman seems like a sad name for a porno star.
This needs more stars. +1.
Jim Harbaugh is an ex football player, so it makes sense that he’s a deranged asshole. Is that what you’re trying to say?
Grave robbers have been around for thousands of years. These aren’t exactly grave robbers but they’re close enough.
When I say a “natural” I’m not meaning just hair as it naturally is. Apparently this is a term that is long dead, but it used to mean an afro. In other words, it was African hair as it naturally is, not processed to be straiter or smoother or otherwise trying to look like something other than African hair.
I like to get up with a bad attitude and then seek to reinforce it.
Yes, I’m all in favor of compassion however it starts, and once it starts I think it’s likely it continue to grow. I just kind of feel that saying “I have daughters so I oppose this” feels kind of like “I have a black friend”.
Fine. Colin Kaepernick, Jimi Hendrix, Willie Nelson, Carlos Santana, Bob Marley, George Harrison (long hair version) and Sly Stone all have stupid looking hair. Tim Tebow’s monk haircut looked wonderful.
This made me laugh very hard.
Is this ranked?
Dear God, same here.
I loved it when Tom Brady did that though. I think he looks stupid with that dumb bowl cut he favors most of the time.
Yes, it is good and I’m never opposed to compassion, but what you guys don’t understand is that when you say, “what if that was my wife!!??!!” it feels like you can only understand that this might be a horrible thing through the context of a woman you have some relation to, rather than a person that had a horrible…
So....a black guy wearing a natural is stupid.
Also I think the cry of women saying in words “we have worth” undermines your point to the people you are trying to influence (assholes not me). Actions speak louder than words.
Well, it is real because it implies that a woman who is not your family member or friend is not worthy of compassion or respect. It isn’t meant to, it’s meant to express compassion and outrage, but what it actually seems to mean is that woman who isn’t related to you personally is not of concern to you. My dad is…
Those are....... disturbing.
General rejoicing is my guess, unless they don’t manage to kill him off on the first try.