Can’t we build that fence REAL QUICK???? Like, before nightfall?
Can’t we build that fence REAL QUICK???? Like, before nightfall?
The dogs will be sleeping no more.....
The discussion between you and gimmesummer has been the most useful thing I’ve read in ages. Thank you both.
I think it started as a reaction to what happened to Viet Nam veterans when they came home. If you’ll recall Buffy St. Marie’s song Universal Soldier and the number of people that were on board with that sentiment and took their feelings out on random troops, you’ll understand why public feeling in general went the…
Now you have something to aspire to.
No lie. They say it’s not actually good for your health to stay in bed 24/7, but I’m not sure they’re right.
Might be a troll. I hope so, frankly.
Now I gotta go to the grocery store.
You’d be me.
Do his magical powers extend to actually destroying an entire franchise via Jed York? Because it seems like they might.
I was just hearing someone yesterday saying that a reason for all these various tendons just blowing for no apparent reason is that football player muscles are so very overdeveloped and strong, that they’ve overtaken the ability of the tendons to cope with them. Like, they (the tendons) just can’t expand and contract…
Yes, I remember he got a bit teary because he wanted to go to the 49ers so bad but they passed him up. For Alex Smith, I believe.
How do you know he hasn’t done anything about it? I mean, seriously, by what means do you know? If he just quietly went about doing some things, would you know? He’d been sitting, apparently, since the start of the preseason, but it was only noticed at game three. He wasn’t making a fuss about it. So, I’m just wanting…
That is exactly the essence of what’s happening. I have heard exactly one person talk about what Kaepernick’s actual point is, and I’ve listened to sports radio call in shows a lot over the last week. One person. Everyone else wants to talk about standing up or sitting down and how they feel about their relative…
There’s nothing irrational about that anger, friend.
Why would you get up at 10 AM for football, when you can stay in bed at 10 AM for football?
Sorry, didn’t see this before. I imagine it would fit somewhere under sex addiction or whatever they call the need to expose oneself in public.
I don’t see any button on your list of most effective charities page that lists charities involved in working for environmental and/or animal welfare.
You’ve got James Harrison down for Jesus then? Because that’s not totally working for me.
Well, it looks like we have our answer about what she’s going to do about it, whatever it is it can continue to be so on it’s own.