
Exactly. I mean, we don’t know anything really. Maybe she’s not cooperating because she made the whole thing up. Maybe she’s not cooperating because she’s afraid for her life. Maybe the NFL just sent her one email and it got caught in her spam filter and was never seen at all, and they just assumed she wasn’t

+ 1 for obscurity of relevance.

Headline goes in my personal hall of fame for best headlines of the year.

It’s thorny and interesting. I mean, according to what I read (on espn) she has said that he has made repeated death threats, so if that’s true it’s not hard to understand why she might refuse to talk to the NFL. Also, it is tragically not unusual for charges to always be dropped when victims refuse to cooperate in

Again, according the NFL, they have investigated and they can not find any evidence that any abuse has happened. The wife (or ex wife. Or estranged wife. It depends on what your source is as to what wifely status she currently has) won’t talk to the NFL according to them, and the police won’t give them any

Yes, he is. I don’t think that’s the only issue, though. At least not as far as the NFL is concerned. It might be a significant issue with regard to the police.

According to the NFL, she has refused to speak with them, and the police won’t give them any information. They (the NFL) claim they did a lengthy inquiry but were unable to uncover any evidence. How much faith you put into the lengthy inquiry of an organization that can’t seem to keep track of a tape of someone

The espn article I read reports the same thing that nov15-22 noted from the Washington Post. The NFL says Molly Brown refused to talk to them, and the police refused to give them any information about anything. Josh Brown has never been convicted of domestic violence and any charges against him have been dropped. This

He’s going to have to get used to this kind of nonsense if he’s going to shoot for the NFL. Better do it now rather than after he’s drafted in the second round and then has a crisis of nerves.


Why didn’t he bring them with him to the Olympics if he knew he was going to put them all on the death list? Maybe this was just a spur of the moment idea or something.

Your team sucks. So does mine.

What makes you think that hasn’t already happened? Have you seen Al lately?

Yes, it looks to me like that horse has practiced this move more than once.

I don’t know if DS has a position, other than that Lochte is an idiot and should be mocked. Surely you don’t disagree with that?

He’s also an ass. I think you’re ok.

It’s a bit of a disappointment, isn’t it?

I like this image quite a lot.

pretty sure this is exactly what he thinks.

I wish I had the power to get this out of the grey. Extra good. +1