My other favorite site after this one.
My other favorite site after this one.
I imagine they will. It made USA Today as well as DS, so it’s not a local story anymore.
Honestly, I don’t see what good that will do. Then he’ll just be more angry and guess who he’ll take it out on. The dog should be removed, and he should be prohibited from having any animal ever again. That would be a start, at any rate.
It’s quite a brave story. Some other guy had it on his snapchat or something, and a woman saw it and was horrified. She took it to Animal Control and to the cops within a couple of hours of seeing it. Considering who she was dealing with, I think that was quite brave. He got a misdemeanor and a 500 dollar fine, I…
I wish.
What’s so painful as well is that there doesn’t seem to be anything we can do about it other than to send Baylor angry messages. It’s dreadful.
This is Texas.
This is too true to be funny.
Same here. I did leave a message asking WTF on Baylors facebook though. I hope others do the same. Fuck these people. Just fuck them.
Actually, I’m just saying that since many of us (me included) were so ready to be sure this was all about corruption on the part of Brazilian authorities as recently as yesterday, perhaps now that we are getting some added info that changes the picture a bit, maybe we should just wait until we have the whole story…
Yes, me too, I admit it. The current story is way better than the previous one, though.
Eustace Bloat. That’s brilliant. +1
That would be true if they were just blowing smoke. But if they have tape of these guys engaged in destruction of property and fighting with a security guard, they probably knew they had that when they took passports/took the swimmers off the plane. If that’s the case, it seems to me they had a right to take them off…
Isn’t that the best part? I love that part.
We should probably quit trumpeting about that narrative until we find out if these four US guys attacked a civilian or civilians and destroyed their property and then tried to cover it up by blaming the Brazilian police.
They aren’t getting tourist dollars by pulling Olympic athletes off their plane and preventing them from going home. No one in their right mind would see this as anything other than terrifying.
Best pictures ever.
It’s still cool, even if it isn’t new.
A person could die of fear just sitting on their couch looking at the pictures of ski jump taken from the top looking down.
Some of those dual spins they do in ice skating could sever an artery and you’d bleed out right there on the ice.