Well....I would think the old time rock and rollers like Zep and the Stones and that lot would be all about the dong pics if they had had the technology available at the time.
Well....I would think the old time rock and rollers like Zep and the Stones and that lot would be all about the dong pics if they had had the technology available at the time.
I can see how fighting about hair and costume would be typical, but to fire everyone and then rehire everyone except the one person who won’t cut her long hair doesn’t seem that typical, does it? Don’t people usually fight and fuss but stay together?
Well, I wouldn’t have thought so, but I’m not in a band so I wouldn’t know. I imagine it depends on the band?
For you guys. Bosoms don’t retreat into the chest when it gets nippy, so we’re still going to need a bit of strapping over here.
Agreed, I love synchronized swimming. The intensity of the team aspect is also worthy of respect. I’ve heard they kill and eat any team member who fucks up the pattern in competition.
Not to mention doing extravagant damage to one’s personal bits. I can’t even watch hurdling anymore.
Oooops! Sorry, I thought you were oracularunspectacular1 up there. So sorry, my mistake.
I imagine these outfits are cooler.
Well, for the summer Olympics anyway....
Doesn’t look that way, since none of us knew it before right now.
So, the message is that he likes all women in his general area to have shoulder length hair with bangs?
It might be.
I would like to know how old he was when this happened. It says she was 17 or 18 (so quite young). If he was about the same age, it seems like it’s mostly stupid stuff that people grow out of (though he’s still acting like a prick). If he was 32 or something, then it changes things considerably in my opinion.
Ditto. Had no idea he’d ever had a band.
Well, presumably he does. If it’s true, it would be useful to him if he has some evidence to that effect.
No, but it sounds like a “y” now.
If he hired her because she’s a cute girl and he wanted a specific look, then he should have been clear about that from the beginning.
The Falcons made a Super Bowl?
Needs more stars. +8